CG Agro
CG Agro
About Sagarika

About Sagarika

An organic bio-stimulant called Sagarika - Seaweed Extract Concentrate (28% w/w) is created from red and brown sea algae using a procedure that has been worldwide trade marked. The product contains vital amino acids, macro and micronutrients, as well as naturally occurring plant growth regulators like auxins, cytokinins, and gibberellins. Along with Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (QAC) including glycine betaine, choline, etc., it also contains bio-potash (8–10%).

Sagarika - Seaweed Extract Concentrate when applied as foliar spray or on the Rhizosphere, stimulates the metabolic function of the plant to enhance nutrient uptake and nutrient use efficiency leading to increase in crop yield and crop quality.

Many other trials apart from this clearly indicate that when ‘Sagarika’ is used in conjunction with a regular dose of fertilizer, the fertilizer usage can be reduced by 25% without any adverse impact on the crop yield and productivity but with a significant positive impact on the farmers’ income. Due to its stress relieving property, Sagarika can play a major role in improving the sustainability of rain fed agriculture.


Application Tips

Sagarika is a rich source of micro & macro nutrients and plant growth regulators (Auxins, Cytokinins and Gibberellins) which provide a major boost to crop yields by accelerating the plant’s metabolic functions. Sagarika contains various nutrients that are important in boosting plant stress tolerance. Sagarika also releases nutrients gradually thus creating a balanced soil building program. Sagarika’s application is universal, and the following list gives the general instructions of Sagarika for some crop types.

Method of Application

Application Protocol of Sagarika Liquid for Hydroponics System

The use of Sagarika has been a collective step towards sustainable agriculture for Nepal. With the use of Sagarika, a farmer can use upto 25% less chemical fertilizers while also seeing a potential increase in yield of upto 20%. Hydroponics Systems are also striving towards the same goal of sustainability.

About Sagarika Z++

Sagarika Z++ is a seaweed-fortified granule used for soil application. It is made using red and brown seaweed grown and harvested in the Southern Coast of India. It increases crop productivity, builds resistance against abiotic stress and enhances microbial population and activity in soil. There are various carriers like gypsum, bentonite, and dolomite which are fortified with a proportionate amount of seaweed premix to make the ideal granular formula that can effectively boost plant growth.

Sagarika granule is available with organic certification and can be made with gypsum base rich in calcium and sulphur or with potash rich base based on needs of the soil/geography.

Product Details

  • • Available Pack Sizes- 10 kg Bucket and Bag (customized packs also available)
  • • Shelf Life- > 2 years
  • • Suitable for all crops

Application dosage and Application

Application Method

Sagarika Gold granules should be broadcasted evenly in the area of application.


  • • Increases tolerance to abiotic stress such as drought, heat, salinity stress.

  • Increases nutrient use efficiency of organic and chemical fertilizer by the plant and benefits farmer with increase in yield and quality of produce

  • Activates soil microbial population and improves soil health

  • Leads to better and stronger root growth, tillering & branching, fruiting & seed setting and quality enhancement of fruits/seeds

  • Improves plant natural defenses against environmental stress, pests and diseases

  • Contains all of the secondary nutrients and micronutrients, leading to balanced fertilization for crops