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About Nano Urea

About Nano Urea

About Nano Urea

Nano Urea (liquid) is world’s first Nanofertilizer.

  • Nano Urea contains 4.0 % total nitrogen (w/v).
  • Nano nitrogen particle size varies from 20-50 nm.
  • These particles are evenly dispersed in water.
  • Nano Urea because of its small size (20-50nm) and higher use efficiency (> 80 %) increases availability of nitrogen to the plant.
  • When sprayed on leaves of plant at critical growth stages, it enters through stomata and other openings and is assimilated by the plant cells. Because of phloem transport it is distributed from source to sink inside the plant wherever, it is required.

Nano Particles

A nanoparticle or ultrafine particle is generally understood as a particle of matter that is between 1 and 100 nanometers in diameter.

Nano Urea

Nano Urea is a fine liquid fertilizer based on nano technology. It provides important nutrients needed for proper growth and development of plants. Compared to conventional urea, nano urea liquid is sprayed through leaves. It helps in crop production and quality by effectively supplying urea through the leaves when sprayed during the important stages of plant development such as weeding and flowering.

Benefits of Nano Urea

- Nano urea liquid reduces demand by half compared to conventional chemical urea.
- 1 sack (50 kg) of conventional urea. 500 m. Ltd. Nano urea
- Environment friendly.
- Cheaper than conventional urea.
- Suitable for healthy environment, soil quality and increased production.
- There is no negative impact on soil, air and water.

Need of Nano Urea

There is a shortage of chemical fertilizers every year when there is no production in the country and we have to depend on imports. Getting affordable, quality fertilizer seems to be very challenging in itself. Nano urea liquid has been created as a long-term plan to minimize this challenge and problem and increase the income of farmers.

Nature of work

Conventional granular urea is sprinkled on the soil, while liquid nano urea is mixed with water and sprinkled on plant leaves. About 2-4 m. Ltd. Nano urea should be mixed with 1 liter of water and sprinkled. After being sprinkled in the important stages of plant growth, it is quickly absorbed by the cells of the plant. It enters the katyambata of the leaf. After that, Ajiyiz will transfer the urea to the empty and necessary place. Nano urea is considered to be more effective than granular urea as it is absorbed by small cells. Conventional chemical urea is destroyed by more than 705 different means. Due to its long-term use, the soil becomes acidic.

Description Nano Urea Traditional urea
Production 2021 1823
Technology Nano Traditional
particle size 32 nano m. 1 mm.
Price Rs. 400 Rs. 750
Storage Small Area Large Area
Pollution No (air, water, soil) Yes (air, water, soil
Vaporization No Yes
Effects on soil Favorable Unfavorable
Medium From leaves and roots From the root