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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Nano Urea (liquid) is a Nano-fertilizer. It contains nano nitrogen particles of size range (20-50 nm) dispersed in water. Total nitrogen concentration in one bottle of Nano Urea (liquid) is 4 % (40,000 ppm).

Currently, Nano Urea (liquid) is available in 500 ml HDPE bottles. 1 carton of Nano Urea (liquid) depending on size may contains 12 bottles or 24 bottles.

Nano Urea (liquid) when sprayed on the leaves easily enters through stomata and other openings and fulfils nitrogen requirement of crops. Because of its unique size and surface area to volume ratio, it effectively addresses crop nutrient requirement. It results in reduced nutritional stress, better growth and yield attributes of crops.

Recommended rate of application of Nano Urea (Liquid) – 4 % N conc. is 2 ml / litre of water or 250 ml / acre / spray (Note:125 litre of water is sufficient for spraying 1 acre (0.4 ha) of field).

It is recommended to go for 2 foliar sprays of Nano Urea.  One spray should be at active tillering / branching stage (30-35 Days after Germination or 20-25 Days After Transplanting) and another at interval of 20-25 days after 1st spray or before flowering of crop.

One 500 ml bottle of Nano Urea (liquid) can effectively replace at least 1 bag of top-dressed Urea. Top-dressed Urea applied at later stage of crop (2nd or 3rd split) should be reduced. Basal nitrogen supplied through DAP or complex fertilizers should not be reduced as it is required for development of good crop canopy for better efficacy of Nano Urea spray.

 Normally two sprays of Nano Urea are sufficient, but number of sprays can be increased or decreased depending upon crop, its duration, and its overall nitrogen requirement.

If rains occur within 12 hours of foliar application of Nano Urea, it is recommended to repeat the spray.

Nano Urea can be easily applied with most of the 100 % WSF’s; Bio stimulants or pesticides but is always recommended to go for jar test before mixing and spraying.

Nano Urea (liquid) is recommended for application only as a foliar spray at critical growth stages of crops.

No detrimental effect of Nano Urea has been recorded on foliar insects, pests, and beneficial insects as per tests conducted by NABL accredited GLP certified laboratories for Nano Agri Inputs.

Factors like crop requirement, field variability and spraying efficiency are more responsible for efficacy of Nano Urea apart from seasonal variation.

It is always preferred that Nano Urea has to be applied after the cutting of leafy vegetables for getting better growth and higher crop biomass. As per reports of NABL accredited GLP certified laboratories no adverse effect has been recorded. Nano Urea is safe as per standard tests conducted according to Department of biotecthnology (DBT), GoI, Guidelines for Nano based Agri Inputs & food products -2020 .