CG Agro
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Quantity of Nano urea to be applied on crops.

  • Mix 2-4 ml of Nano urea (4 % N) in one Litre of water and spray on crop leaves at its active growth stages

Note: In general, 500 mL quantity is sufficient for spraying one acre area through knapsack sprayer, boom or power sprayer, drone etc

Crop Suitability

Nano urea can be applied or sprayed to all the crops which includes cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits, flowers, medicinal and others

Time & Method of Application

  • Mix 2-4 ml Of Nano Urea (4 % N) In One Litre Of Water And Spray On Crop Leaves At Its Active Growth Stages. For Best Results Apply 2 Foliar Sprays.
  • 1st spray: At active tillering/branching stage (30-35 Days after germination or 20-25 Days after transplanting)
  • 2nd spray: 20-25 days after 1st spray or before flowering in the crop. Note – Don’t cut off basal nitrogen supplied through DAP or complex fertilizers
  • Cut only top-dressed Urea which is being applied in 2-3 splits. Number of sprays of Nano Urea can be increased or decreased depending upon crop, its duration and overall nitrogen requirement.